And an increased emphasis on providing amenity space and natural buffers around buildings and infrastructure has only raised the need for a skilled and structured approach to environmental husbandry.
Green Spaces
RTG Environmental transforms landscapes into safer, greener and more beautiful places, using qualified professionals supported by teams of well-equipped, well-trained and accredited workers. Our clients range from Network Rail and UK Power Networks, to the Canal & River Trust and BTS Group.
Total Service
We offer a total service – a green menu from which you can pick and choose. We can, for example, conduct tree and ecological surveys (including bat surveys), produce wildlife migration plans, and draw up hard and soft landscaping designs. We can then clear or cut back existing vegetation and set about turning those plans into reality. We can even maintain sites on an ongoing basis. Or we can provide any of these individual services as part of a sub-contracted unit.
The Extra Mile
RTG has considerable experience working in restricted and hazardous environments. (As an example, we recently cleared vegetation from powerlines at the Prime Minister’s retreat at Chequers). Removing and pollarding trees along rail lines and river banks is a more routine undertaking, helped by the availability of our own floating pontoon, cranes and cherry pickers.